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Het monument

Vorm en materiaal
Het monument ‘Winston Churchill’ in Rotterdam is een bronzen buste, geplaatst op een voetstuk van natuursteen.

De tekst op het voetstuk luidt:



MAY 13TH 1946′.

De geschiedenis

Het monument ‘Winston Churchill’ herinnert de inwoners van Rotterdam aan de Engelse politicus die tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog premier van Engeland was.

Op 13 mei 1946 bracht Churchill een bezoek aan Rotterdam. Hij zat tijdens een speciale zitting van de gemeenteraad naast burgemeester P.J. Oud en werd als enige in de Rotterdamse geschiedenis benoemd tot erelid van de raad. Nu nog herinnert een klein bronzen plaatje op het tafelblad voor de plaats van de loco-burgemeester aan dit voorval.

Het gedenkteken is opgericht in opdracht van de Rotterdamse Kunststichting.

Het monument is onthuld op 30 november 1954.


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Meer informatie

Het monument is geplaatst in de hal van het stadhuis, gevestigd aan de Coolsingel in Rotterdam.

Van De Zweth tot Zadkine – Monumenten in Rotterdam die herinneren aan de jaren 1940-1945 van Aad Wagenaar (Rotterdam, Centrum Beeldende Kunst, 1991). ISBN 90-5196-045-X.

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Persoonlijke bijdragen van onze bezoekers

Muskens | 19 jun 2020

Dit is dan een reactie van "Schiedammer". De auteur van vorenstaand artikel vertolkt een vergoelijkend standpunt met betrekking tot Churchill.

The truth that the Netherlands in general can hardly acknowledge is that the man was a rabid racist and a mass murderer and the following statements testify to this. "The Indians are a beastly people with a beastly religion".

Churchill was a staunch imperialist who never wanted India to be independent. He had expressed his disgust at 'a half-naked fakir parleying with the British' when Mahatma Gandhi attended the Round Table Conference. Again, as the British PM, he refused to talk about granting India independence, saying he had not 'become His Majesty's first minister to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire'. During the devastating Bengal famine, it was the abominable Churchill who refused to divert food grain produced by Indians to save starving Indians. By 1943 hordes of starving people were flooding into Calcutta, most dying on the streets. Subhas Chandra Bose, who was then fighting on the side of the Axis forces, offered to send rice from Myanmar, but the British censors did not even allow his offer to be reported. Churchill was totally remorseless in diverting food to the British troops and Greek civilians. To him, “the starvation of anyhow underfed Bengalis (was) less serious than sturdy Greeks” When asked to release food stocks for India, Churchill responded with a telegram asking why Gandhi hadn’t died yet. Churchill’s hostility toward Indians has long been documented. At a War Cabinet meeting, he blamed the Indians themselves for the famine, saying they “breed like rabbits”. His attitude toward Indians may be summed up in his words: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” On another occasion, he insisted they were “the beastliest people in the world next to the Germans”. “Churchill’s attitude toward India was quite extreme, and he hated Indians, mainly because he knew India couldn’t be held for very long.” “Churchill regarded wheat as too precious a food to expend on non-whites, let alone on recalcitrant subjects who were demanding independence from the British Empire. He preferred to stockpile the grain to feed Europeans after the war was over.” The nauseating racism of this man is fully evident in this disgusting statement that he made before the Peel's Commission in 1937- “I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a worldlier wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place. “

Churchill responsible for between 3 and 4.5 million in 2 years continued the "tradition" of the British East India Company and after 1858 the British Raj in India from the battle of Plassey in 1757 until 15 August 1947. During this time, 50 million Indians died as a result of the colonial regime's policy of more than 30 famines. Madhusree Mukerjee. Churchill's Secret war. The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II. Janam Mukherjee. Hungry Bengal War, Famine and the end of Empire. Shashi Tharoor Inglorious Empire. What the British did to India

Churchill suggested mass sterilization of the weak as early as 1913. Twenty years before the Germans suggested the plan of the T4 program.

In 1920 Churchill sent the Blacks and Tans to Ireland to suppress the uprising, resulting in thousands of deaths in Cork.

In 1918 Churchill ordered the intervention in Russia where millions of people died together with the French, Japan, and the US, the Greeks, Italians, Australians, the Canadians and a contingent of Czechoslovakian troops. Churchill ordered the use of poison gas in northern Russia near Emptsa in the vicinity of Archangelsk. P 182, pp 213-214 Churchill's Secret War with Lenin, British and Commonwealth military intervention in the Russian civil war 1918-1920 by Damien Wright. Churchill's Crusade. The British Invasion of Russia 1918-1920 pp. 128-129, 183m 244-245-246, 258, 265 by Clifford Kinvig In 1951 the rebellion of the Mau Mau in Kenya broke out and a reign of terror was introduced under the leadership of Churchill who was then Prime Minister again. Women were raped with hot fired glass bottles, men were castrated with the help of scissors. Two million people died in Kenya as a result of the British terror led by Churchill. Caroline Elkins. Imperial Reckoning the Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya.

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